Short One - Orange Belt

From horse stance, step back to right neutral, right inward block
Step back to left neutral bow, left inward block
Turn to the left, left neutral, left outward block
Step back to right neutral bow, right outward block
Turn around, left rising block
Step back, right neutral, right rising block
Left foot forward, face the back, right down and out block
Step back to left neutral bow, left down and out block
Turn clockwise back to horse stance

From horse stance, step back to left neutral, left inward block
Step back to right neutral bow, right inward block
Turn to the right, left neutral, right outward block
Step back to left neutral bow, left outward block
Turn around, right rising block
Step back, left neutral, left rising block
Right foot forward, face the back, left down and out block
Step back to right neutral bow, right down and out block
Turn clockwise back to horse stance and close